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Policies and Handbooks

Written employee policies and procedures act as operating guidelines for an organization and are a critical component of an effective human resources strategy. Well written policies and procedures inform day-to-day decision making and also form the foundation of a solid legal defense by documenting the proper administration of employment practices.

Our written policies and procedures incorporate best practices and reflect legally compliant objectives. EPS adapts policies and procedures to meet an organization’s unique culture and environment.

  • We offer a comprehensive policy and procedure program that can include a Manager's Guide, which serves as a reference tool for managers who are often on the front lines of policy and procedure implementation. The Guide provides information on how to apply and enforce a given policy, understand who is affected by a particular policy, and covers a manager's role in hiring and terminations, preventing harassment and discrimination, and other organizational management issues.
  • Our employee handbooks contain guidelines for the management and resolution of employee challenges. Handbooks are drafted to avoid common mistakes that may inadvertently create contractual obligations or suggest potential discriminatory practices.
  • We also review existing policies and make recommendations as needed.